How To Wash Silks At Home - Silk Scarf

How To Wash Silks At Home

How To Wash Silks at Home: The Basics

Silk is a very delicate fiber, and should be washed with care. But did you know that this does not necessarily mean that you have to take it to a dry cleaner. It's great to know that it can be done at home. Let's go through a few simple steps you can take to make sure that you can care for silk in a way that will keep your most cherished silk pieces in the best shape.

Be sure to check the care instructions for your garment and accessory if it says “dry clean only” it would be best to follow that instruction. However if the tag says “dry clean” it is just the suggestion of the manufacturer and would be safe to wash at home with very careful steps. Please note that after hand washing the items may lose some of their lustre.

For Best Results: Make Sure Your Silk Item Does Not Bleed. To test this, dip a small piece of the garment into lukewarm water. If dye releases into the water, be sure to wash this item by itself so the color will not transfer to your other items. 

Hand washing your silk pieces is definitely the best way to go about washing at home. Keep reading below for a step by step guide:

How To Care For Silk When Washing
  1. Fill a large basin with cool water. P.S. If you live in an area with hard water consider using a water softener for best results

  2. To maintain the color of your garments consider adding ¼ cup of plain white vinegar per every 2 gallons of water.

  3. Add a few drops of gentle detergent to the basin, mix soap with the water so it combines.

  4. **Do not soak silk garments for an extended length of time. Also be sure not to combine washing your silk garments with non-silk garments and use fresh water for each color that you will be washing.

  5. Gently move the fabric around in the basin (NEVER twist or ring the fabric, this can permanently damage the fiber. Afterwards you can gently squeeze the excess water by hand, being careful not to stretch it.

  6. When the washing cycle is complete, rinse your silk piece with cool water several times. There may be color/dye in your basin at this time, do not be alarmed, this can happen and is especially common with darker tones of silk (this is why it is important to wash each color separately). Rinse your garment and continue to do so until the basin water is clear and there is absolutely no soap left on your garment.

How To Care For Silk : The Drying Method

Whew! That wasn’t so bad was it? Now that your silk garment is nicely washed we have to dry it as well!

  1. Lay down a clean dry towel and then place your newly washed silk garment flat right on top. Roll up the towel securely so the silk garment or accessory is wedged into it. Be sure not to wring or squeeze the towel as this can ruin the garment. This is just to help remove some of the excess water.

  2. Hang the garment or accessory in a place with no direct sunlight, or heat source. Make sure to place it on a padded hanger ( be sure not to use a wooden hanger, this can leave stains)

So, can you wash silk at home? Yes, silk can be washed at home with the right care. However, it does take some important steps to be sure not ruin your luxurious silk piece. I believe that is why some people prefer to get their silk items dry cleaned, but I think part of the enjoyment of owning silk clothing is taking the time to care for it as well.

**Please note if you are following these directions it is at your own risk. Please double check the detergent and the hardness of your water at home to be sure you do not ruin your silk pieces. 

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